Prinz MLflow integration

MLflow introduction

MLflow is an opensource project for managing machine learning models lifecycle, including:

  1. Experimentation and reproducibility - it allows to convert many machine learning models format to standardized model format. User of MLflow gets the ability to record and query experiments in standard formats which simplifies the reproduction process of model deployment

  2. Deployment - it allows to real-time serve the logged models as the webservices. There are integrations with well known platforms for machine learning including Microsoft Azure ML, Amazon SageMaker and Apache Spark UDF

  3. Central model registry - it can be used as a single repository with dedicated web application for model versioning. It allows keeping models versions in single place a nd make them easily accessible for all developers in organization.

MLflow environment

To work with MLflow developer need some instance of MLflow server which would serve as the models' registry. Additionally, there are standalone webservices for realtime models querying using web requests.

The whole environment in this repository is build from parts defined in docker-compose.yaml file which includes the definition for

  1. mlflow-server which works as the MLflow model registry server and can be queried for already trained models and their train data specification. It has also the information about the location of models signature location (which is a standalone S3 bucket)

  2. postgres-mlflow is a database supporting the mlflow-server backend.

  3. aws-mlflow acts as a S3 bucket server for holding models artifact storage

  4. proxy keeps all the containers organized in a way that simulates the real-world example of models deployment.

To start the environment with the Nussknacker deployed with the MLflow environment use the script.

Model serving process

After the MLflow environment is created there are sample models trained. They are just samples which aren't provided as real-world usage examples so shouldn't be used in production.

The models can be seen in web GUI of mlflow registry which is available as the web application when MLflow start.

Models scoring convention

MLflow doesn't include the information of models' location for scoring. There are some conventions that can be observed in the most popular platforms for using machine learning models like:

  • Databricks which specifies the invocation url by the pattern <databricks-instance>/model/<registered-model-name>/<model-version>/invocations

  • Prinz internal convention which specifies the invocation url by <localhost-instance>/model/<registered-model-name>/invocations (so the version is missed as there are created randomly choson models versions for test purposes which don't differ by anything more than the version number)

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