Project configuration

Project environment

Main configuration needed to run the docker images is located in .env file which is read by sbt at the beginning of loading project configuration.

Additionally, Prinz uses GitHub Packages repository to release and resolve its dependencies. This requires having GITHUB_TOKEN which gives user access ti GitHub registry. You can generate your token in your GitHub settings. Generated token can be added to configuration in two ways:

  1. Saved as environment variable so it can be easily used when building the project using sbtwrapper from command line. This type of configuration is mainly used on CI environment where the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable is defined mostly automatically. Adding single line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile configuration and souring it to terminal is enough to have working build locally but only in terminal builds (as the IDE seems to load user environment variables from these files for sbt builds).

    export GITHUB_TOKEN="your-generated-token-value-here"
  2. Added to git configuration and used by the IDE when loading the project. This way is preferred on local dev environment in order to have the ability to download dependencies from GitHub Packages repository. It's enough to provide your access token by placing it at the end of your git configuration file located by default in ~/.gitconfig by adding extra configuration lines

     token = your-generated-token-value-here

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